Consistency Leads to Success
"Consistency is the key to success"
– a phrase often dismissed as a cliché, however, it is more relevant than most realize. Many of us embark on our journey towards success with frustration for where we currently are and adopt a "go big or go home" mentality. Thinking that intense bursts of effort fueled by negative emotions and self doubt is going to work. After all, what we are doing is not working so why not? Arguably, these intense bursts of effort may yield immediate gains, however, they are not often sustainable.
Bruce Lee, martial artist and philosopher, recognized the importance of consistency in achieving greatness. He said, "Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity."
When it comes to habit formation the role consistency is even more important. Programs promising rapid transformations by changing many habits at once in 45 or 75 days may be attractive because of the appeal of quick results in multiple areas. However, these types of programs can lead to a "crash and burn" situation, where participants often revert back to old habits once the program concludes. Creating just as much, if not more, frustration and negative emotions of their habits than when they started.
Rather than giving in to the initial appeal of short-lived intensity, remember the path to success is in building the habit of consistency over time. This involves deciding what are the two most pivotal shift you can make and steadily working towards those. While this approach may demand patience, perseverance, and planning the outcomes will be well worth it in the end.
Seeing as consistency is the key to success. Resist the urge to sprint towards your goals, opt instead to nurture the habit of consistent commitment. Embrace the gradual, incremental journey, and watch the inevitable transformations that will become apparent with time.
Do you want to experience the power of consistency?