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Competition is often considered to be a driving force that compels companies and individuals to improve or make changes. Personally, I take a different stance on competition. I believe that there is no such thing as competition. The people that buy are not buying a product or service, they are buying you and the experience you offer. When we shift our focus to what we do inside our business instead of focusing on what other people are doing we can take control of the client experience.
If you are a solopreneur or a micro-business, you know that effective prioritization is crucial. With limited resources and time, and no limit of things to do, knowing how to prioritize tasks can mean the difference between success and overwhelm. Today we will explore three powerful prioritization methods.
Saying “no” can be daunting and feel like an impossible task, especially for those who are naturally inclined to be helpful, accommodating, and eager to support others. The inability to say “no” can lead to overwhelm, overcommitment, stress, and a decline in personal and professional credibility.
Did you know the secret to long term success is short term goal setting? Whether you are an advocate or skeptical about its benefits, goal setting is a powerful technique for reverse engineering your big aspirations into actionable steps. Short term goal setting plays a pivotal role by breaking down larger objectives into manageable tasks on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis. How do short term goals pave the way for accomplishing long term success?
Achieving high performance is more than just doing more work, it is about ensuring that every task, project, and habit aligns with your goals. However, sometimes it can be hard to know what contributes to our success versus what is holding us back. A powerful tool for this type of self evaluation is the “Keep, Stop, Start” method.
Have you ever come home after a long day, only to be asked, “What is for dinner?” and find yourself utterly unable to answer. You know your inability to answer this question is not really because you do not know what to eat, but because you simply just can not make another decision. This scenario is all too common and is a classic example of decision fatigue.
Have you ever heard, or even said, the phrase "We have always done it this way?” These seven words are so commonly used in business settings, you likely have heard this many times before. There can be variations to this phrase, however, the message and mindset are the same. This phrase really says, “We are not inclined or prepared to make any changes that can help us create a different result.”
Time is our most valuable resource, yet it is often squandered on activities that do little to advance our goals. Whether you are working from home or in a traditional office, it is crucial to identify and avoid time wasters to maintain productivity and achieve success.
Have you ever felt like an emotional wreck when faced with change? Any change? You are not alone. All of us run through the emotional cycle of change when big or small changes happen in our lives. Knowing about the emotional cycle of change and being able to identify the stages can help you manage the big feelings that come with change and push through to achieve what you set out to do.
There is a lot of conversation surrounding self-care and it seems everyone “knows” it is important. While some of us are diligent about practicing self-care, others may struggle to incorporate it into our lives. What if we took a different perspective on self-care? Self-care is organizing your life and managing your time.
Have you ever found yourself saying, "I don't have time"? Or “there are not enough hours in the day?!” These types of phrases can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. By convincing ourselves that we do not have time, we may inadvertently make it true. Instead, maybe it is time to truly assess how we spend our time and find opportunities to use it more effectively.
These days, communication is constant and comes from various platforms. All of our devices are designed to inform us that something is going on, with sounds and flashing lights signaling new messages, new emails, or general notifications. Whether we are in the middle of a thought or attempting to complete income producing activity, these alerts demand our attention, making it challenging to determine what is truly urgent.
"Consistency is the key to success" – a phrase often dismissed as a cliché, however, it is more relevant than most realize. Many of us embark on our journey towards success with frustration for where we currently are and adopt a "go big or go home" mentality. Thinking that intense bursts of effort fueled by negative emotions and self doubt is going to work.
Have you ever experienced a great pause in your life? A time in your life when things outside your control affected you, your business, your family, your friends and your very way of life; forcing you to pause for a significant amount of time, months or even years. This could be one event or a series of events.
In the world of constant connectivity and distractions, the concept of "deep work" has emerged as a crucial skill for reaching our goals. Coined by productivity expert Cal Newport, deep work refers to the ability to focus without distraction on cognitively demanding tasks, one at a time.
In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to get caught up in the constant hustle and bustle of daily life. By reacting to emails, phone calls, and other demands on our time, leaves little room for proactive planning. What if there is a simple way to help you achieve your goals and create your ideal future?
In today's digital age, email has become an indispensable tool for communication and a major distraction if not managed effectively. Let’s explore the benefits of setting specific time blocks for email management and how it can enhance productivity.
Summertime is full of fun or at least it should be. Often it is hard to find harmony between work and play no matter the time of year. However, some people really struggle in the summer to get work done and be present in their personal life. The following tips aim to help you manage your work efficiently while still enjoying the pleasures of summertime. Creating harmony between productivity and fun can lead to a more fulfilling and stress-free season.
Are you constantly on the road and looking for ways to make your journeys more efficient and comfortable? If so, this blog will explore a series of practical tips to enhance your driving experience and keep you well-prepared while out and about.
In the whirlwind of life, it is easy to feel like things are out of control. Unexpected events can come up and the pain of abrupt change can leave us overwhelmed and disoriented. The good news is when we feel out of control we can take back control. The first thing we need to do is understand what we actually control. We can control three things: our thoughts, our actions, and our time.
Working from home presents a unique set of challenges, one of which is harmonizing your professional responsibilities with household chores. Today, we'll discuss strategies to help you manage your work and housework effectively. Let's release the expectation of perfection, embrace functionality, and explore some practical tips to make this juggling act a little easier.
We've all heard the saying "time is money," but in today's fast-paced world, it often feels like there are never enough hours in the day. Between work, errands, social obligations, and household chores, it can be overwhelming trying to fit it all in and get it all done. What if there was a way to make the most of your time and be more productive?
There is a phenomenon that often plagues the solopreneur community. Here is what it sounds like, “I work for myself, I have a flexible schedule, and I don't seem to get anything done.” I talk to a lot of business owners and this theme keeps repeating.
Have you ever wondered if there is a way to become more productive? You are sitting at your desk and say to yourself, “okay, how do I complete these tasks in the most productive way?” A great suggestion would be to use a productivity technique.
Working for yourself can be a great privilege, as it allows you to have control over your schedule and work environment. However, this flexibility can also be a double-edged sword if you are not highly aware of your own tendencies.