Maximizing Your Time: Are You Really Too Busy?
Have you ever found yourself saying, "I don't have time"? Or “there are not enough hours in the day?!” These types of phrases can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. By convincing ourselves that we do not have time, we may inadvertently make it true. Instead, maybe it is time to truly assess how we spend our time and find opportunities to use it more effectively.
Reevaluate Your Schedule
Take a moment to examine your weekly schedule. Even better, spend a week or two actually documenting what you are doing without judgment. Just write down exactly what you did and when. No judgments, excuses, justifications, or lying to yourself. When you look at the activities of your week, ask yourself, “where did I utilize my time well?” “Are there blocks of an hour or three where I could alter things to be more productive?” “Am I satisfied with the items I completed during that time frame?” "Am I using my time wisely?" Really look and reflect on how you are spending your time.
Making the Most of Waiting Periods
Often there are periods of time where you will be waiting on something, for example you could have time where you are waiting for an appointment, to pick someone up, or for a meeting to start. As opposed to wasting that time in pleasant distraction scrolling social media or playing a game you could use that waiting time to your advantage.
Consider this example from my own life where I had to wait an hour before the next appointment and desired to use that time productively.
Here is a breakdown of that hour:
20 Minutes Walking: Aiming to walk daily this was completed first.
15 Minutes on Email: This hour wait was at the end of the week, therefore, checking email to ensure there was nothing truly urgent that needed to be addressed before the weekend.
8 Minutes for a Video: Recording, rewatching, and posting a video for one of my private Facebook Groups was next.
10 Minutes of Preparation: Finally, preparation for an upcoming client meeting.
All these tasks total 53 minutes of productive activity. The remaining 7 minutes were used to transition between tasks.
The Key Question: Are You Using Your Time Wisely?
The next time you catch yourself thinking you do not have time, challenge that notion. Ask yourself if you are truly using your time wisely. Often, a slight shift in perspective and better time management, like utilizing waiting time productivity, can open up more opportunities than you realize without working more hours.
For more practical and applicable time blocking tips check out our Time Blocking Basics Webinar on YouTube.