The Seven Most Expensive Words in Business
The cost of "We Have Always Done It This Way.”
Have you ever heard, or even said, the phrase "We have always done it this way?” These seven words are so commonly used in business settings, you likely have heard this many times before. There can be variations to this phrase, however, the message and mindset are the same. This phrase really says, “We are not inclined or prepared to make any changes that can help us create a different result.” This overarching message and mindset signals a dangerous attachment to outdated methods, hindering growth, innovation, and costing businesses LOTS of money.
The Trap of Attachment
When business owners cling to what they have always done, they risk missing out on more efficient and effective ways of doing things. This attachment to past methods can be costly, in terms of lost opportunities, underutilized people, and financial resources. An attached business owner is resistant to change and innovation, preferring to stick with familiar practices. This attachment to the “old ways” creates a self induced revolving door of year after year doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result. When stuck in the “we have always done it this way” mode frustration levels, resitement, and costs rise. As time passes business owners can feel trapped and not realize it is their own resistance keeping them where they are.
The Power of Committment
In contrast, a committed business owner embraces change. They understand that continuous improvement can help them reach their goals more quickly. Seeking out the most effective and efficient ways to modify their business, leads committed business owners to the success they desire. These forward-thinking individuals are willing to experiment, adapt, improve, and document their processes. Through documentation effectiveness and efficiency can be repeatable, scaleable, and sustainable, regardless of company size or number of locations. This commitment to innovation and improvement often leads to greater success.
Are You Attached or Committed?
How do you avoid falling into the trap of "We have always done it this way?" Regularly evaluate your approach to your business.
Ask yourself:
Are you committed to finding the best solutions?
Are you attached to old habits?
Are you comfortable with the uncomfortable?
Are you striving to not rock the boat and leave everything the way it is?
Are you open to learning new ways of doing things?
Are you resistant to the idea of hearing new ideas?
Fully embracing a committed mindset can open up new possibilities for growth and success.
Moving Ahead
Are you distracted by the reactivity of running your business each day?
Is it difficult to identify what specific areas are ineffective, inefficient, and costing precious resources?
Fostering a culture of commitment and innovation, you can lead your business towards greater efficiency, effectiveness, and success. Breaking free from the constraints of traditional methods requires courage and a willingness to embrace change.
Reveal your highest potential through unrecognized solutions.